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Order the digital download e-book versions of both the Handbook and Workbook and receive a 10% discount on your total!

Fixed Layout E-Book; 124 pages
$12.99 ($11.69 with bundling discount)

Fixed Layout E-Book; 170 pages
$19.99 ($17.99 with bundling discount)

NOTE: Sensiplan Ebooks have been created in a fixed (rather than reflowable) format to preserve the detailed graphics and charts within the text. Because of this, they are only readable when downloaded on Apple, Kobo, BookShout, and Libreka platforms. If none of these platforms are available to you, please purchase soft cover copies of the books instead.

Natural & Safe: The Handbook
Family Planning with Sensiplan™

Natural & Safe: The Workbook
Family Planning with Sensiplan™

Bundle and save by ordering these companion digital download e-books together. Natural & Safe: The Handbook provides a complete description of the Sensiplan™ method, and is designed to be used in conjunction with Natural & Safe: The Workbook , a manual that includes practice charts, case examples, and method rules. Both volumes are translated now for the first time in English.

Interested in learning Sensiplan?

Sensiplan is taught by certified fertility educators via telehealth at Reply Fertility. The complete course typically is taught over four 60-minute sessions. For more information on billing and scheduling, please contact us at 919-230-2100.

A basal body thermometer is required to use the Sensiplan method as intended.

See also the Sensiplan Total Package , which provides a 10% discount when materials and services are bundled.

NOTE: Sensiplan Ebooks have been created in a fixed (rather than reflowable) format to preserve the detailed graphics and charts within the text. Because of this, they are only readable when downloaded on Apple, Kobo, BookShout, and Libreka platforms. If none of these platforms are available to you, please purchase soft cover copies of the books instead.

Authored by Arbeitsgruppe NFP, Malteser International

ISBN Complete: 978-1-7336878-1-2
Fixed Layout E-Book; 124 pages
$12.99 ($11.69 with bundling discount)

ISBN Complete: 978-1-7336878-3-6
Fixed Layout E-Book; 170 pages
$19.99 ($17.99 with bundling discount)

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