Delivering value to employer and employees

To support employee wellness and maintain a competitive edge in the talent market, it is becoming increasingly essential for employers to offer fertility benefits. In the U.S., 1 in 8 couples faces infertility—an experience that can be devastating and distracting, affecting not only personal well-being but performance and productivity at work.

With Reply Fertility’s program of restorative reproductive medicine (“RRM”), employers now have a solution that creates a win-win alignment of employer and employee interests and expectations.

Our Win-Win Fertility Benefits Solution

When you provide Reply Fertility benefits, you’re offering care that is:

  • healthy                       
  • effective
  • evidence-based
  • affordable
  • risk-reducing
  • compassionate

Reply’s RRM program aims to optimize health through medical evaluation and treatment, as well as through improvements in lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress. Unlike assisted reproductive technology such as IVF that is designed to bypass underlying conditions, RRM prioritizes patient health and well-being by comprehensively addressing underlying conditions.

Our goal is natural conception and healthy pregnancy, with reduced risk compared to IVF for preterm birth and low birthweight, among other factors. As underscored recently in The Economist and elsewhere, there are good reasons for employers to consider alternatives to IVF when mapping employee medical benefits.

Making babymaking better: A special report on the future of fertility

“The process [of IVF] remains grueling and costly.

It is physically painful for women, and emotionally draining for both sexes....

  All too often, the pain and the cost come to nothing.” 

  -- The Economist, July 22, 2023

Lunch and Learn

Our dedicated Reply team loves to share information about RRM care and how we can help couples facing infertility or recurrent miscarriage. For employer HR managers: we would be pleased to provide virtual, in-person, or Breakfast/Lunch and Learn meetings for you to learn more about our program. We include:

  • details about our program of RRM medical care, lifestyle coaching, and fertility education
  • a review of RRM medical research and outcomes data
  • information on our team members
  • patient expectations and testimonials
  • pricing and payment options
  • proposal for an employee “Learn More” presentation
  • Q&A

Valued by Employees

Two-thirds or more of responding employees are influenced by fertility benefits in their job decision-making—whether seeking a new position, or considering leaving a current position. When you offer fertility benefits you are communicating that you care about employee wellness, work-life balance, and family-building. In turn, employees feel more loyal and committed when their employer offers these benefits.


Reply Fertility is a leader in global RRM research, a member of the International Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine (IIRRM), and a participant in the STORRM (Surveillance of Treatment Outcomes for Restorative Reproductive Medicine) international research registry. 

Schedule your Learn More presentation today!

Please call or email us at 919.443.6000 or info@replyobgyn.com and let's get started!

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