Listening to your monthly cycle
Listen Fertility™ is Reply’s own fertility awareness method that teaches women to observe and track, or “listen to,” their monthly cycles. Doing this can provide an important profile of a patient’s overall health. Listen can be used by any woman who has a cycle, even if her cycles are irregular. This can be a valuable tool to help monitor, evaluate, and treat women’s health, or to help couples trying to conceive. The system is based on the science of fertility awareness, which involves recording signs of fertility in a prepared cycle chart. These signs, or biomarkers, include:
Reply fertility educators teach women and couples how to use Listen Fertility through private one-on-one sessions from the comfort of their home via secure video conferencing. The program typically takes about two months, and includes 2-3 sessions. Over the course of the program, a woman/couple can expect to:
cervical fluid
basal body temperature (optional)
urine hormones, measured by ovulation predictor kits (“OPKs”) (optional)
learn what happens in a typical "monthly" cycle.
learn how to identify and track biomarkers in a Listen Fertility chart
confidently identify the beginning and end of the fertile window
pinpoint the best days for intercourse when trying to conceive
learn abnormal signs that should be reported to a clinical team
feel empowered to make health choices based on personal reproductive goals
partner with our clinical team to review charts, observe patterns and troubleshoot problems
Tracking biomarkers can provide you and your clinical team with information that can be used in a number of different ways:
Health Monitoring: Tracking your reproductive cycles can help you better understand your body and monitor your health. The information can be used to determine if and when you’re ovulating, to plan for your menstrual periods, to record changes in your cycle over time, and to monitor effects of environmental and lifestyle factors on your overall health.
Health Evaluation & Treatment: Your individual cycle pattern can reveal important clues about how your reproductive organs and hormones are functioning. With this information, your clinical team is better able to customize care specifically to you. Sometimes, unknown health issues even can be identified and treated early, before they become a problem.
Trying to Conceive: Listen helps couples pinpoint the best times for intercourse when they’re trying to have a baby, and our clinical team also relies on cycle tracking to schedule time-sensitive tests, ultrasounds, and medications for couples with infertility/subfertility. When a couple does conceive, the Listen chart can help accurately determine the due date.
NOTE: At this time, Listen Fertility is not an established method for avoiding pregnancy, and should not be used for that purpose. A Reply fertility educator can provide information about Sensiplan™ and other established methods that are effective for avoiding or postponing pregnancy.
Reply is welcoming new patients for Listen Fertility education.
Reply Fertility
Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday 8am-12pm