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Billings Ovulation Method®

Natural and effective

The Billings Ovulation Method® was developed in the 1960s by the physicians Drs. John and Evelyn Billings. The couple were pioneers in fertility awareness. The Billings method is designed to be universal, meaning any woman can learn the method (visually impaired, no access to technology, low income or reduced literacy). The goal of the Billings method is to teach women to think of their fertility in terms of patterns that are dictated by the rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone. By identifying these patterns women are able to recognize their individual days of fertility (PEAK day) and infertility. The Billings Ovulation Method is based on rigorous science and is backed by more than 50 years of medical research.

Billings is considered a cervical mucus only method, meaning it tracks the sensations of cervical mucus at the vulva. It can be used by couples trying to become pregnant, couples trying to prevent pregnancy, or by patients for health monitoring and management.

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no side effects

A close up of a yellow background with a black border.

highly effective when practiced properly

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promotes communication and intimacy

A close up of a yellow background with a black border.

environmentally friendly

A close up of a yellow background with a black border.

requires no drugs or devices

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can be used over course of reproductive life

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promotes shared responsibility by woman and man

A close up of a yellow background with a black border.

can be used to become pregnant or to avoid pregnancy

A close up of a yellow background with a black border.

has other benefits for health monitoring and healthcare management

Why choose Billings?

The Billings Ovulation Method offers several benefits to its users:

Let's get started

Reply is welcoming new patients for Billings education. 

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