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Marquett Model

Natural and effective

The Marquette Model (MM) system was developed by professional nurses and physicians at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the late 1990s. The method uses the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor, a handheld device that can be used at home. The monitor measures hormone levels in urine to estimate the beginning and end of the fertile window.

Why choose Marquette?

The Marquette Model is a good choice for :

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couples seeking to space pregnancies

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couples struggling with infertility

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promotes communication and intimacy

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breastfeeding women

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perimenopausal women

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women with irregular cycles

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women interested in monitoring their general health

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no side effects

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highly effective when practiced properly

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promotes communication and intimacy

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promotes shared responsibility by woman and man

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can be used to become pregnant or to prevent pregnancy

The Marquette Method offers these additional benefits :

Let's get started

Reply is welcoming new patients for Marquette Method education. 

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