A powerful tool for fertility and health management
Fertility awareness tracking is an incredibly powerful tool that helps women understand and monitor their fertility, helps couples with family planning, and helps medical professionals gain more precise information while evaluating and treating patients. Women can learn fertility awareness throughout their reproductive lifespan, whether cycles are regular or irregular.
Fertility awareness cycle tracking works by observing and recording natural body signs (“biomarkers”) that relate to reproductive function in a woman’s body. These biomarkers include, for example, basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and menstrual bleeding. Tracking these biomarkers provides important information about a woman’s reproductive and overall health.
what a “normal” female cycle looks like
the role hormones play in the reproductive cycle
how to track your cycles
how to identify the beginning and end of your fertile window
how to identify your PEAK mucus day (used for family planning and for medical management)
Body Literacy and Health Monitoring: Cycle tracking can provide a snapshot of where you are in any given cycle and also is meaningful to follow over the course of time to help understand and monitor health—some call it “the fifth vital sign.” Your individual cycle pattern can be used, for example, to prepare for the start of menstrual periods and to provide clues about how reproductive organs and hormones are functioning.
Listen Fertility™— for health monitoring/management, and for those trying to become pregnant
Sensiplan™— for health monitoring/management, and for those trying to become pregnant or prevent pregnancy
There are numerous methods and apps that teach or promote fertility awareness. The best way to get started depends on your intended use for fertility awareness.
At Reply, we offer an initial consult and decision-making tool to help users decide how to cycle track. Our clinical team works with women and couples using many different methods, and our fertility educators are certified to teach the following methods:
Tailored Medical Care: When you track your cycle and share the data with trained medical providers, this allows for more precise evaluation and treatment of certain medical conditions. Interventions can be targeted on specific cycle days, and health issues sometimes can even be identified and treated before they become a problem. Restorative reproductive medicine (RRM) relies on cycle tracking to provide highly personalized reproductive care.
Billings Ovulation Method®— for health monitoring/management, and for those trying to become pregnant or prevent pregnancy
Marquette Model (MM)— for health monitoring/management, and for those trying to become pregnant or prevent pregnancy
Natural Family Planning: Cycle tracking can be used to identify your fertile window—the days in the female cycle when intercourse could result in pregnancy. This provides couples with flexibility based on your pregnancy goals in any given cycle. You may pinpoint the best times for intercourse when trying to conceive, or postpone intercourse during the fertile window when seeking to prevent pregnancy. With this method there is never a need for artificial barriers, chemicals, devices, or sterilization.
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Reply Fertility
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